Miss Contradiction is the queen of blocking email addresses. Not only has she blocked Jason’s address, but also several other people who don’t actually email her anymore, just in case the fancy takes them (a pre-emptive strike).
I would love to get in on this email-blocking caper. In fact, I think I might ring up Goulburn Supermax prison and ask for Ivan Milat’s email address, just so I can add him to my blocked addresses list!
You never know when ol’ Ivan is going to forward you a jokey group email!!
better not to block, rather set up an auto-response to their address. that way you get to see if they even email you ... good (or not) for the ego.
Or you could use the spam filter my cousin coded where if its the first time they email your account they have to click an authorization link thats in the bounce back email and if they dont its not delivered :)
I like to be passive aggressive.
It makes me happy.
I prefer to respond with a vitriolic, hateful email from a made up email address then simply never check that address again for the reply.
(IE the gingham shirt rockstar retard and his psycho unit girlfriend)
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