I was getting ready for work the other morning, watching Mel & Kochie on Sunrise, when a Good Guys ad came on. Normally I cringe and change the channel, however on this occasion I paused to watch it.
I was immediately impressed by the amount of backflips and sea shanty type dance moves all timed perfectly to that catchy little jingle.
It then occured to me that it must of been Jason who co-ordinated that little number, drawing on his experince in the 'Jokers' dance troupe. You know, the one he was in in his youth (ie a very long time ago) that had 'dance offs' with other dance troupes.
It is just a shame that Jason himself does not appear in the ad. I feel quite ripped off.
Yes, those Good Guys ads always sucker me in. I keep expecting to see Jason and Bad Smell traipsing across my screen looking happy to be purveying fine whitegoods.
I find it quite ironic to juxtapose the happy, wholesome image of careless fun projected by the ads with the sad reality of advanced ice addiction, gambling fall aparts and a life lived in squalour.
Jason smokes his ice pipe in the car park of Good Guys Alexandria in his lunch breaks. Yes that's right, in the car that he has been disqualified from driving but nonetheless chaffeurs around.
His abject disregard for human life never fails to astound me.
The time I was hanging out with those two was incredibly depressing in retrospect.
Lol JASON (Reminicies to his voicemail) sounds like he lives a misreble life
I love the way he says Jason on his voicemail. You can almost hear the capital letters.
Speaking of Good Guys, it must be just about time for me to go crawling back to Bad Smell looking for sex again.
I'm too fat and yucky to leave my house for picking up purposes at the moment.
Dont drop your standards that low Ms Bike
You think I have standards?
Nah not really...
Got any Rack?
Hell no.
For some reason, not that I've met Jason or anything, I feel really pissed-off to hear that he is still driving... mainly because, you know, it detracts from the satisfaction of hearing he lost his license.
Maybe you should somehow report him?
Actually, I did. I rang up and made an anonymous report. Partially because I'm a concerned citizen and partially because I hate Jason and want him to rot in Alcatraz.
Guess what? The cops ignored it. I even gave exact directions to where he parks the car during the day in Alexandria.
He drives drunk/off his face/unlicensed all the time.
It terrifies me.
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