It seems Lady Goon has been making all and sundry aware of our blog, and a certain Irish person is slightly miffed at not having a single mention.
Now it should be known the the Irish Guy is not actually Irish at all, but is in fact Canadian. Town Bike mistook his accent for Irish and of course he has been the Irish Guy ever since.
Things the Irish Guy likes:
- Feeding his magpies, Charlie & Charlize
- Birkenstocks
- Taking photo's of street signs
- Liver
5. Library books
6. Pinball
7. Potatoes
8. Blarney Stones
9. Birkenstocks
10. The Irish countryside
11. ladies in tight pants
12. SCT
13. Beer
14. Guinness
15. Tequila shots
16. Brazilian Dancing
16. Birkenstocks
What does birkenstocks mean???
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