From Wikipedia:
"Birkenstock is a German brand of sandals and other shoes, notable for their contoured cork and rubber footbeds, which conform somewhat to the shape of their wearers' feet. Representative products include the two-strap sandal, the Arizona, and the Boston clog. Birkenstock shoes are worn with or without socks, the choice generally based on outside temperature."
They are also extremely ugly. Not quite as offensive as Crocs, but very close.
And if you absolutely must wear them, NEVER wear them with socks.
I personally have never seen Irish Guy wear them, have you?
Yes, Irish Guy has been known to rock a pair of Birkenstocks at the pub.
In some kind of strange disturbed way I can actuallly see them suiting him!
He was rocking the look at The Oaks last summer.
This season he seems to favour trainers.
The Irish Guy loves to keep us guessing. What shoes will he wear next?
I actually seem to remember when I first met the original Canada (who's real name also happens to be Mark), I used to think he was irish at firs!!!
I thought the original Canada was a Cockney boot black. I still refuse to believe he is really Canadian.
Yeh he does have a strange accent, but I did actually think he was irish first of all but then on speaking further with him I got confused as to what type of accent he had, it's very different to irish guys anyway.
What happened to Megahole friday arvo bbqs?
There was a BBQ last Friday!!
On having a look at an enlarged picture of Birkenstocks it reminds me of something I have in my closet left generously by my ex boyfriend (the one we should have had deported). I think Miss Contradiction might agree as she has always dissaproved of me wearing them
Well considering you can harldy walk in them as they are too big, and you end up walking around barefoot anyway, yes I do dissaprove.
When I do wear them I never take them off, why would I? (I don't really wear them any more anyway, only to pop across to bottle shop/newsagency/IGA)
To the IGA to buy underwear?
Underwear/doona cover
I hate working where I do, not so much the work itself but the position! There are no shops to look at at lunch time unless I walk up to Crows Nest or down to North Sydney and that would eat into my 30min lunch break!! I usually end up working through most of it for something to do which is exactly what I am doing now!!!!!!!!!
What about the Union? That is halfway and they serve beer there
I actually work pretty much next door to the union and I did used to go there at lunch time but not anymore so that still leaves me with the lunchtime boredom!!!
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