Monday, 15 December 2008

COMING SOON: The Trial Of The Century!!

Brush up on your case law and drop your barrister's wig and robe into the dry cleaners because the trial of the century is about to get underway.

Move over OJ!!


Anonymous said...

What did he do again? I remember reading something about it but forget.

Town Bike said...

He stole a loaf of bread to feed his starving family.

Anonymous said...

Then I say lock him up and throw away the key! What a rascal.

Town Bike said...


Miss Contradiction as the accused
Town Bike as the hot-shot barrister
Lady Goon as the surprise witness for the defence!
And PJT2000 as the guy who stands up at the back of the courtroom to admit he did it.

Anonymous said...

How was dinner? Did you end up eating?

Town Bike said...

My cat jumped off the balcony and ran away! Bad Smell and I were out prowling the streets of Mosman until 3am looking for her.

We found her in the grounds of the Baptist Church next door playing with some possums.

Then she scratched the shit out of Bad Smell which is pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

Which cat jumped off balcony? Lucky you found her.

Town Bike said...

The stupid white one.

Anonymous said...

What does SPECIAL NEEDS PEEP!! mean?