Tuesday, 14 October 2008

A Chicken Suit Would Have Been Better

I was walking up Military Rd past the pub at 8am one weekday morning. No, I wasn't going to the pub, I was going to work. Anyhoo, I suddenly noticed someone dressed in a cow suit stumbling around outside the pub, harassing passers-by on the way to work.

My first thought was "did Uncle Pete pull a cow suit out of the Goodwill box again?", then someone explained to me that this is another (extremely well executed) marketing strategy by the "hole" to advertise their free-steak-with-schooner night (yeah, because when you're eating a piece of meat, you really want to associate it with the animal it came from).

Our friend Lady Goon informs us that while she was waiting at the bus stop one morning, the cow suit person approached a bus window and started banging on it with two hands. Well, if that's not going to get in more paying customers, I don't know what is.


Miss Contradiction said...

Perhaps this stunt was nothing to do with the pub, just some random who felt like stumbling around in a cow suit.

I mean really, 8am? Who is thinking about dinner then?

Town Bike said...

From memory I think he had a sign around his neck or was ringing a bell. It was definitely connected to the pub.

Does eating pasta at 8am count as thinking about dinner?