Because every click on this website earns us money.
Why do they only post the "celebrity alcoholics recovering"how about Town Bike and Ms Contadiction when(if) they (ever) recover from their addiction ;)
is that a toothbrush?
No, that's Dicko from Australian Idol!!!!!!!!
And Andrew you clown I don't have a drinking problem
Admitting your problem is the first step, Town Bike
I find it hard to believe that someone who has met me in person a total of five or six times knows fuck all about my mental well-being.The day I get out-foxed by someone on the internet, I'll let you know.
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Why do they only post the "celebrity alcoholics recovering"
how about Town Bike and Ms Contadiction when(if) they (ever) recover from their addiction ;)
is that a toothbrush?
No, that's Dicko from Australian Idol!!
And Andrew you clown I don't have a drinking problem
Admitting your problem is the first step, Town Bike
I find it hard to believe that someone who has met me in person a total of five or six times knows fuck all about my mental well-being.
The day I get out-foxed by someone on the internet, I'll let you know.
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