Friday, 10 August 2007

Dicko Battled Alcohol And Drug Dependency

Bwahahahahaha... tell us something we don't know,22049,22218191-5006002,00.html


Anonymous said...

Why do they only post the "celebrity alcoholics recovering"

how about Town Bike and Ms Contadiction when(if) they (ever) recover from their addiction ;)

Anonymous said...

is that a toothbrush?

Town Bike said...

No, that's Dicko from Australian Idol!!


Town Bike said...

And Andrew you clown I don't have a drinking problem

Anonymous said...

Admitting your problem is the first step, Town Bike

Anonymous said...


Town Bike said...

I find it hard to believe that someone who has met me in person a total of five or six times knows fuck all about my mental well-being.

The day I get out-foxed by someone on the internet, I'll let you know.