Monday, 28 May 2007

The hole gets worse

I just can't understand how the Cremorne Hotel managed to spend over $2 mill renovating the nightclub and turn it into the Ho bar. Ooops sorry, the So bar. Yet they can't afford to supply soap in the toilets.

Miss Contradiction and myself yesterday experienced the downstairs toilets at their worst. Not only was there no soap, no hand dryer or hot water (which is quite a common affair). Someone had actually shitted on the toilet seat. And to make it even worse it had been smeared all over the seat. Now I know that a lot of freaks hang out in the C-Lounge but I didn't think animals were allowed inside. I mean seriously, how the hell do you miss the hole in the toilet seat unless you are standing on the toilet seat.

Another issue we raised was that if there is no soap, hot water and hand dryer and the female staff use the same facilities, how do they wash their hands properly before they cut the limes/handle food e.t.c

Surprisingly when the issue was bought up with the bar staff some hand soap and hand towels were then placed into the bathroom and the door of the cubicle in name was locked.

Such a classy joint.


Town Bike said...

Oh dear God.

I once went in to the toilets in question a few months ago. One cubicule had flooded, the other one had an unflushed number two and the third one had an unflushed used tampon.

I went and complained to a member of staff and she accompanied me back to the toilets. She could see 'no problem' with the bathroom in the state it was in.

I am so finicky about bathroom use. I use a paper towel to turn off the tap/open the door etc.


Anonymous said...


Miss Contradiction said...

Oh yes.

And don't forget the non-functioning hand dryer had a burn hole in the cord exposing the wires.

I am assuming it is non-functioning as it caught on fire.

Lawsuit anyone?

Town Bike said...

More OH&S issues than you can point a faulty exposed wire at!

Anonymous said...

Why dont u report them

Town Bike said...

Because I don't work there and couldn't give a fuck?