Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Who Is Going To The Vag Draw Tonight?

I am seriously considering it.

Though I never win, at least there is cheap champy.

I wonder whose &^$% I have to **$% to win the damn thing.

I am in a vulgar mood today.


Anonymous said...

Im not going tonight :( if my badge comes up someone is gonna die

Town Bike said...

To quote Radiohead "I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll, I feel my luck could change".

I'm going to win the thing tonight. Apparently it is egg-stra special.

You see if I don't.

Anonymous said...

fuck that text msg was annoying lol

Town Bike said...

Oh yes, we saw you tonight abusive anonymous guy, don't think we don't know who you are.

You'll probably be quite cute in a few years so let's sit on that