Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Friday The 13th

Well once again Friday the 13th will be here again at the end of the week.

I picked up some sort of pamphlet thingy at the pub while I was drunk over the weekend and note that there is to be some sort of 'gang bang' in Sobar on Friday. That's exciting. And they call it an unlucky day. Pfft.

I'll be there with bells on.

I assume a Gang Bang is some sort of cool music thing that I'm not privy to.


Anonymous said...

Gang Bang = Town bike Miss penelope at my house

Bang Gang = Sydneys hottest dj's at the moment performing at so bar on friday

Thursday = My Birthday

Town Bike said...

Yes dear. I am actually aware of who Bang Gang are. I was joking. It's all a persona you see.

In fact my ex-boyfriend forced me to see them at Club 77 a couple of years ago when you were probably still too young to drink.

I had a shit time, by the way. They didn't play any Chisel or Bowie.

Anonymous said...

Chisel and Bowie are horrible....

Town Bike said...

Haha. OK then. Sorry I forgot that Bang Gang is the Mozart of our times.

Town Bike said...

Kind of the same way that 'Coco Jumbo' by Mr President is the voice of our generation.

Anonymous said...

That is the truest statement ever uttered.

hey-ey coco jumbo.

it just speaks to me man...

not like the doof doof music that young kiddies listen to today. where is the meaning in that bollocks??

Town Bike said...

Coco Jumbo will go down in music history with the greatest moments of all time - Hendrix at Woodstock, death of Kurt "Metaphysical Angst" Cobain, and of course Bang Gang at Minsky's this Friday night.

Voice of our generation, I tells ya.

Anonymous said...

My birthday today :O

Anonymous said...

Quit boring us and tell us your unusually angry thoughts.

Town Bike said...

No, here's an idea. Why don't YOU stop boring ME.

NEWSFLASH I get bored when I have no one to play with and as no one is playing at the moment I am getting very bored very quickly.

In case you are confused about the issue I'm actually NOT a circus monkey trained to entertain you nor am I paid to do this so START PLAYING OR GET USED TO BEING BORED.

Plus there have been some quality episodes of Law & Order and Law & Order: SVU on recently and quite frankly I am finding them more interesting than the goddamn Internet at the moment because NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO ME AND I DON'T LIKE TALKING TO MYSELF.

Yes I do shrivel and die like a hothouse flower in the absence of attention.

Pick the literary reference if you can.

The end.