Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The Lower North Shore Loses Another Craphole Icon

I was walking to work this morning in the freezing cold. Yes I have had the best few months on record. Not. A hose in my car went on Sunday morning so now I'm without transport for a few days.

Anyway I was walking to work through Crows Nest when I noticed that the Stoned Crow has been borded up and apparently reoccupied by the landlord. Everything was a-ok in Stoned Crow land when I was loitering outside on Friday lunchtime. What could possibly have happened to the Stoned Crow? And will the hole be next? One can only hope...


Miss Contradiction said...

WTF, wasn't this place just done up?

I blame Jason for this.

Town Bike said...

Yep, it was just done up and experiencing a small revival as a yuppie watering hole.

I too blame Jason.

Anonymous said...

The Crowie staff told me about a fight and a girl getting glass in the face. Some NSRC guys up from Cabana then decided to fix the male who assaulted the girl. It's closed pending police, licensing, etc. As a resident for 25 years it's bad news for Crows Nest. I use all the watering holes and thought the Stoned C was much better since the refurb.