Monday, 12 January 2009
Pop Quiz
a) A white Good Guys shirt and slacks
b) A white shirt with moss trimming
c) A white shirt covered in a decorative icepipe motif
d) A white goblin costume.
And will Jason's long-lost abandoned child from Queensland be the ring-bearer?
Abandoning one's children in Queensland seems to be all the rage these days.
Only time will tell.
Breaking News! Jason
No, he isn't going to throw himself off The Gap in an amphetamine-induced frenzy. Apparently, on New Year's Eve he made some throwaway comment to Bad Smell asking if he would be his best man. When Bad Smell subsequently asked him what that was all about a couple of days later (Bad Smell is a bit slow on the uptake), Jason proceeded to dodge the question and hasn't mentioned it since.
Will we be invited to the wedding? And how will I be able to tolerate it if I'm not drinking any more? Stay tuned for more...
Monday, 5 January 2009
Shayne Borland, Ye Hardly Gave Us A Chance To Miss Thee
As you can guess from the above title, Shayne Borland is back in town. He made a heroic return to the pub on Boxing Day while Miss Contradiction and I were having a quiet alcohol binge. And when I say heroic, he literally walked in with his hands clasped above his head like a returning hero or prize fighter. He then made a beeline for us. Miss Contradiction was sitting with her back to the door but could tell by my face that something was horribly wrong.
Town Bike: No
SB: Please?
TB: No
SB: OK, can we have sex before I go?
TB: No
SB: Does that men yes?
TB: It means no
SB: So will I see you at Cremorne 2nite?
TB: No
Pop Quiz
Monday, 15 December 2008
COMING SOON: The Trial Of The Century!!
Friday, 12 December 2008
The Cat Book
Thursday, 11 December 2008
The Results Are In!
The joint winners were "The ghost of Christmas past" and "Shayne D. Borland" with two votes each.
Closely followed by "Jason A. Gray" and "Other" with one vote each.
Hunter S. Thompson was a sorry last with zero votes.
This means we should all start moulding our lifestyles on the Ghost of Christmas Past and Shayne Borland ASAP.
When I Come Back as a Lesbian I want to be Shane from the L Word

In fact Town Bike, Bad Smell and I all do.
Alice: Shane!
Papi: Shane?
Alice: Ahh, this ought to be interesting.
[showdown music]
Shane: Hey, hey.
Papi: You're Shane?
Shane: [shoots tequila, exhales] Whew! [addresses Papi] Yeah.
Papi: You're just a skinny little white girl.
Shane: [looks down at herself] Oh. Yeah, I guess I am.
Alice: Shane!
Shane: [distractedly] What?
Alice: This is Papi.
Shane: Who?
Alice: Papi.
Shane: So what?
Papi: So, I'm your competition.
Shane: Oh. Oh, OK. Well, you know, I don't know exactly what we're competing for, but, uh, you win. So, it was nice meeting you.
She is just so incredibly cool.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Armageddon Awaits
Monday, 1 December 2008
Birkenstocks are not the New Black

The Irish Guy

- Feeding his magpies, Charlie & Charlize
- Birkenstocks
- Taking photo's of street signs
- Liver