Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Uncle Pete is on Facebook.....GROOOOVERS


Yes it's true kids.

I urge you all to become friends with him immediately!!!!

The Lower North Shore Loses Another Craphole Icon

I was walking to work this morning in the freezing cold. Yes I have had the best few months on record. Not. A hose in my car went on Sunday morning so now I'm without transport for a few days.

Anyway I was walking to work through Crows Nest when I noticed that the Stoned Crow has been borded up and apparently reoccupied by the landlord. Everything was a-ok in Stoned Crow land when I was loitering outside on Friday lunchtime. What could possibly have happened to the Stoned Crow? And will the hole be next? One can only hope...

Stop the Press.....Jason has a GF

I found this out the other night when I couldn’t get onto the pizza place so I rang Jason. I actually have no idea why I rang him (OK, I have a fair idea why but I am not sure what I said). He texted me the next day and said “sorry about last night, I have a girlfriend”.

This is a problem for me because I rely on Jason for 2 things:

1. Driving me places
2. Sex

This means I will have to actively recruit a new FB and let’s face it I am too lazy.

This also means I might have to start living in reality and think about moving on, but I am probably too lazy to do that either.

The problem is I am rather fond of the scoundrel, but unfortunately I am too old for him. I mean I am 4 years younger than him and that is about 13 years too old for him. Yes, he likes his lowies young and on a comparative mental playing ground as him.

There is also no confirmation on whether his baby mama is aware of this and or the private investigator.

That will be interesting considering they were all moving in together.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

The Hole Is Still A Hole

Last night Miss Contradiction and I ventured back to that embodiment of loose morality, "the hole". I haven't visited the place in months due to the fact that I'm having an intense spiritual crisis and I have to say that my memories of the place started to grow fond in retrospect. It's true what they say, absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.

Unfortunately that sentiment was misplaced as last night the place was crawling with bottom feeders. In fact it seemed like every loser and his dog was out in full force last night. After taking enough drugs to kill a brown cow, as previously mentioned, I still couldn't alter my reality enough to believe that there were fun and interesting people in the place.

I actually met the king of all losers last night. Yesterday afternoon. I was putting on bets and this bogan comes up and starts big noting himself to me. I was all "whatever" and trying to be polite but seriously just wanted to get out of there. Turns out his father owns the place and he is possibly the most spoiled indulgent brat I've ever met. I mean he was so drunk and the bouncers wanted to kick him out. How much of a public nuisance would you have to be if your father owned the pub and the bouncers still wanted to throw you out. He kept invading my personal space and asked me to be his girlfriend and I said "not if you were the last man on earth". What's so hard to understand about "I don't like to be touched, particularly by you?" I even told him he was annoying and he still thought I was his BFF. Now I have a good reason not to go back to the pub for another three months. Gross.